Thursday 2 February 2017

All About Me

This week since it is the first week back to school we have been creating a DLO all about ourselves we had to include information about our self. I enjoyed making this because I got to write some things about me. Next time I will include more information.


  1. Hi Amiele,
    I really enjoyed reading your slideshow about yourself. You did an incredible job. Maybe next time you could write more information.

  2. Hi Amiele
    today I learnt that you like spongebob and I didn't know that about you and its cool to learn more about people like you and others good work next time maybe add more info

  3. Hey Amiele,
    Good slide but maybe next time you could add more colors to your slide but still great work.

  4. Hi Amiele,
    I liked your slideshow. No wonder your whole slideshow is black because your favourite colour is black.Your slideshow is awesome but maybe next time you could add a bit more colour to it.
    I play an instrument to and it's my hobby is well. So well done :)


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