Thursday 13 April 2017

Life In The Trenches

WALT Describe how people risked their lives for others. I enjoyed doing this because I got to learn what happened in the trenches. Next time I will add more information on how they risked their lives.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Easter Triduum

WALT Identify how the Easter Triduum is celebrated in the Church. This week we have been learning about the Easter Triduum. I enjoyed doing this because I found out more about the Easter Triduum. Next time I will add more information about the days.

The Importance Of Animals Used At War

WALT Understand the importance of animals used in war. This week we have been learning about how and why animals were used in war. I enjoyed doing this because I got to learn about what horses did in the war. Next time I will add more information on what types of jobs they had

Freda the Dog

Based on ‘The ANZAC Puppy’ by Peter Millett and Trish Bowles

WALT Write a flashback from a different perspective and use show not tell
I enjoyed writing this because we got to imagine what it was like at war and writ about it. Next time I will add more descriptive words

At war it was misty and you could see my breath in the air. Every few seconds you could hear and feel crashes and bangs of the explosions. Every time they were set off it would leave a ringing noise in my ear. I would jump every time I heard one. I felt home sick and no matter how long you were there you would never get used to it.

Down in the trenches I was with one of the few people who would keep me company, my dog Freda. Though the ground was muddy and wet we were both one our knees. We were slowly sneaking around looking out for bombs and bullets. This was one of the many things I hated about war. No matter what happened though I just had to get Freda back home safely.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Leadership Creature

This term we have been learning about leadership. After learning about leadership we had to create a creature with 8 characteristics of a leader and a DLO for it. I enjoyed doing this because we got to use clay. Next time I will make some of the features more visible.