Thursday 6 July 2017

Bacteria Growth

This term we have been learning about mould, then at the end of the term we looked at bacteria. I enjoyed doing this because I found out how much bacteria there is on different surfaces. My next step is to add more information to the slideshow.

Preserving Food in the Past

This term we have been learning about mould. We then had to research about how people preserved food in the past. I enjoyed doing this because I found out different ways to preserve food. My next step is to use my own photos.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Mould Growth On Apples

This term we have been learning about mould. Then with our knowledge of mould we did a fair test about it. I enjoyed doing this because I got to see what the best place is for mould to grow. Next time we will try to make it more fair.

The Legend of The Statue Of Liberty

The past few weeks my class has been writing our own legends. 
I enjoyed doing this because I got to be creative and write my own legend. My next step is to use other words so that I don't repeat the words I have already used.

Tuesday 4 July 2017


W.A.L.T... Use our prior knowledge along with the text to synthesis new ideas
I enjoyed doing this because I got to work with a buddy. Next time we will make it longer and add more information. 

Monday 3 July 2017

God is Spirit and is Greater Than Anything Created

W.A.L.T ... Recognise that God is Spirit - Wairua and is greater than anything created
I enjoyed doing this because I got to create an something with things that I like. Next time I will add more images