Friday 29 September 2017

Gymnastics Dance

This term we have been looking at gymnastics for our PE. With a buddy or group we created a gymnastics dance. One thing that I thing my group did well was preforming the dance. Next time I think we could use something on the ground so we don't have to cut our feet and the ground out.


  1. Hello Amiele, its Nevaeh. I am a year six at school.
    I really liked the choice in the music. Lion king was a movie I would watch all the time. Watching that video of you and Nikita, brought back so many memories. I really like the dance you performed. It was very well done. Next time you might be able to fix the green screen. It kind of made it look like you were flying. It was still really cool. You also could chose some more clear background pictures. Otherwise that was a really really good video. You did really well. What made you chose that song and that dance?
    From Nevaeh

    1. Hi Nevaeh,
      Thank you for your comment on my blog. I know that we look like we were flying. This is because we used a tarpaulin and we didn't put one on the ground and I also think that we could work on these. Also I think that the images weren't very clear because the tarpaulin was dirty. We chose this song because we wanted to use a Disney song so we chose this one.


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