Friday 27 October 2017

Hatupatu and the Birdwoman

W.A.L.T... Use sequence to ideas using pictures
I enjoyed doing this because I got to create my own images with a buddy. Next time we will put more depth into our images.


  1. Hi Amiele it's Isabel from Room 8.
    I like how you made your own pictures and you also how you used heaps of detail in your pictures. The pictures are also very clear you didn't put images on top of other images. Maybe next time you could put a brief about the story so readers know what the story is about when they look at the images. I look forward to seeing your next post

    1. Hi Isabel,
      Thank you for taking your time to comment on my post. Also thank you for your feedback about putting a brief about the story I read. Next time might put a brief. Once again thank you for you comment and feedback.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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