Friday 27 October 2017


W.A.L.T... Describe the significance of a Pouwhenua and Explain the history behind Pouwhenua. I enjoyed doing this because I used gamefroot to create my DLO and drew my own Pouwhenua. Next time I will work on adding more information about Pouwhenua.
Click on the image below to see my DLO


  1. Hello Amiele, Its Anisia from Room 8. I think this is a great game to make children understand and know about pouwhenua and the history behind it. Did you make this yourself? I hope to see more of your posts.

    1. Hi Anisia,
      Thank you for this comment that you have left on my blog. I made this game on a website on gamefroot and I had to put the information in by myself but the background and some of the images were already made. Thank you once again for your comment


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